Monday, March 3, 2014

The Book with a Hole

I love doing crafts that go along with books we are reading.  There are so many skills that you can work on while doing crafts including fine motor, follow directions, sequencing, language building skills, comprehension from what you've heard, and (most importantly) creativity.
One of my co-workers recently bought The Book with a Hole by Hervé Tullet.  My kiddos loved it!  They were enthralled by the idea that anyone's head could fit in the hole in the book!  They also liked coming up with ideas that made sense for the pictures we saw.  We spent two days doing crafts from this book... I had the hole pictures pre-made and cut out for them, then they drew what they wanted to put in the hole on index cards. Of course, some kiddos were watching Angry Birds, SpongBob, and dinosaurs!

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